Celebrating World Youth Skills Day with tips for training

Celebrating World Youth Skills Day with tips for training

With rising unemployment as a result of the pandemic affecting young people more than any other age group, World Youth Skills Day couldn’t have come at a better time.    On July 15th there is a focus on how young people can access quality education and training to prepare themselves for the job markets of the future.

World Youth Skills Day is organised by the United Nations and features online events across the globe and the theme for 2020 is “Skills For A Resilient Youth”.

If you’re a young person who is looking for work or wants to change career then help is available, both from the government but also in some practical tips below. 

Kickstart Employment Programme

A number of measures were announced in last week’s budget statement by Chancellor Rishi Sunak which were aimed at creating jobs for young people.   One of the schemes is the Kickstart programme, aimed at young people on Universal Credit who are at risk of long term unemployment.  £20billion will be used to pay for six month work placements, to create new jobs where staff will be paid at least the National Minimum Wage for over 25 hours per week.  

You can read more about Rishi’s ‘Plan For Jobs’ here.

Apprentices and Trainees

Businesses will receive £2,000 for each young person under the age of 25 they hire as an apprentice, on top of the £1,000 which is already paid.

Traineeships will be funded to the tune of £111million to increase the number of training places available for young people.

Work coaches and investment in the National Careers Service will provide practical support for young people, delivering careers advice and mentoring programmes.

Create a professional CV

Your CV is the first impression that a recruiter will have of you so it’s vital that it’s professional and laid out well.  Ask someone to proofread it to ensure there are no spelling mistakes, and double check your contact details are correct.  You wouldn’t want to miss out on the perfect job because your mobile number was wrong!

If you’re not sure how to lay out a CV then there are free online CV builders which will help.  Here is an example of a free CV template, but there are many more out there.  If you’d like some feedback on your CV then contact Kiwi Recruitment who will be happy to help.  We see hundreds of CVs every month and have a good idea of what will impress a potential employer.

How can LinkedIn help?

One practical step that young people can take is to join LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a social media network for connecting with other workers and businesses, and employers use it to search for candidates using keyword terms.

If you are a young person then create a profile on there as soon as you can, and look for people to connect with.  We would recommend connecting with colleagues, former colleagues, bosses, friends and anyone you know.

Write a professional profile and be sure to include the keywords for the jobs you are seeking.  List as much experience as you can, as it could help a future employer decide if you could be suitable for a role they need.

Ask people for references, and it can be anyone you know whether they are a co-worker or a previous manager, or anyone who knows you and the skills you can offer. 

It takes time to build up a network so do it now, and then keep growing your connections as you build your career.

Here are some tips to optimise your LinkedIn profile.

Access Free LinkedIn Training

LinkedIn has its own learning platform, which you can access for free for one month.  There are sessions for an enormous range of skills, from specific work-based courses to soft skills.   Software such as Excel, Word and other office applications are taught, as well as programming skills, graphic design, administration and much more.

Here is a link to the platform.

If you are a young person aged between 16-24 then there has never been more help out there for starting or changing your career. 

If you are looking for a role then Kiwi Recruitment can help, just call Rebecca on 01243 782762 or email [email protected]. You can view our latest jobs here.


If you want to find out more, here is some useful background reading:

Global employment trends for young people

The International Labour Organization’s youth employment programme

Local higher education:

Chichester College

University of Chichester

Havant and South Downs College

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