06 Nov How Will Brexit Change the World of Temp Work?
When Brexit takes place, work across Europe will be compromised. Industries with an international focus, such as the oil and gas industries, are most likely to be affected by Brexit. Contractors/temporary workers in these industries may struggle with work that is overseas. As well as the oil and gas industries, the IT sector is also likely to be influenced, as technology has an international nature. Additionally, sectors that rely on trade with the European Union will be largely affected.
It is expected that Brexit will make it more challenging to find temporary opportunities. If there is no freedom of movement, temporary staff from other countries will have a tough time taking temporary roles in the UK. Likewise, UK Nationals will have a hard time finding temporary work abroad.
IPSE CEO Chris Bryce disagrees with the opinion that Brexit is nothing but bad news. Byrce suggests that it will lead to more flexibility on the reform of tax regulations upon the self-employed. For reasons such as this, it is expected that Brexit will lead to more an increase in temporary work.
However, the nature of the impact of Brexit upon each industry greatly depends on exit negotiations. The uncertainty of the future for internationally-focused industries is not necessarily due to Brexit, but due to economic uncertainty.
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