08 Aug Interview Nerves: Tips To Make You Calmer
It’s completely normal to suffer from interview nerves. It shows that you care and sometimes feeling nervous can be a good thing, as it gives you extra energy in the interview situation.
We understand that nerves can quickly turn into anxiety, but we have some quick tips that will help you turn those bad feelings into positive energy.
How To Get Over Interview Nerves
Forward Thinking
Don’t let the little voices in your head get the better of you. Often people have doubts whether they are a good fit for the job or if they have the right experience. Believe us, this thinking only discourages you and will knock your confidence—so stop it!
Instead, think positive. You are going to get this job. You are a good fit. You do have something to offer. That’s why the company wants to meet you in the first place! Use this as a mantra before your interview.
Be Prepared
One of the best ways to calm your interview nerves is to be prepared. Learn about the company and their history beforehand. Also think about the possible questions you will be asked, such as: Why do you want this job? What can you bring to the role? Do you have any similar experience?
And also the dreaded question: “Tell me about yourself.” Keep this part to the point as you briefly talk about your education, hobbies and experience (try not to get into any tangents, unless the interviewer questions a particular aspect about you).
Last but not least, make sure you have two copies of your CV on hand (one for you and one for the recruiter in case) and prepare your interview outfit the night before.
Deep Breaths
This is a common piece of advice, but works well before an interview. Breathe in for three seconds and exhale for three. This will steady your breathing and heart rate, and will make you focus on something other than the meeting.
The wait before the interview is probably the worst part of the process, as you tend to overthink about the possible questions and reread the job description. Try and visualise something else, whether that’s a memory of a loved one or a fun night out you had with a friend. This will help you relax and ensure that you’re not looking worried when the interviewer calls your name.
Take Your Time When You Respond
It’s easy to get tongue-tied and fall over your words when you reply to a question. Just remember to pace yourself. Don’t feel like you have to instantly give them an A* response, it’s okay to be thoughtful.
Above all, remember this is just one job opportunity—there are plenty more, so don’t think this is the be all and end all. At Kiwi Recruitment, our office in Chichester try and find the best match for you at companies that could be a great fit for your experience and personality.
Get in touch today and we can work with you on the next step of your career.
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