29 Jul An Interview With a Marketing Pro
If you fell in love with the glamorous lives of those on Mad Men like the rest of us Don Draper fans out here, then you’ll be interested in the idea of a job in marketing. Fast paced, creative and current, this is a popular career choice these days. We spoke with Lucy Fuller, Category Marketing Manager at sporting clothing retailer Wiggle. Here’s what she had to say about the ins and outs of her role.
What is your job role?
Category Marketing Manager
What is your favourite aspect of your job role?
I enjoy looking into customer behaviour and working towards an improved customer experience and journey whether it’s online or an offline experience. Also, I really enjoy the creative aspect of my job: working with designers and photographers. I love working towards a photo-shoot and being there on set to manage the shoot.
What is your least favourite aspect of your job role?
Least favourite aspect….I don’t think I have a least favourite aspect but sometimes working with suppliers who don’t understand the intricacies of your business is challenging to get across. I’ve also found that I’m suited to a smaller marketing team where you can be more hands on. I don’t like working for a company where there are too many cooks, especially too many commercial cooks where the customer and brand is completely forgotten about.
How many hours does your job require you to work a week?
We’ve just been reduced to 37.5hrs a week and it’s quite flexible which is nice.
What is the social aspect of your job like?
We’re a very active company and the suppliers we work with are too. We get invited to loads of events that we might not sign up to otherwise, and a lot of them are team sporting events which is fun. It pushes you to try more but also builds relationships with people are the office. At the end of each month our business organises a half day off for us all to take part in sports together which again, everyone enjoys and it’s something to look forward to.
How challenging was the application process for your role?
Really easy to be honest. I got the job in just over a week of applying. It was a phone interview and then a face to face. I hate interviews which are too drawn out.
Did you have any relevant experience/higher education before applying for your role?
Well, I had 5 years marketing experience when I applied for this role, however I haven’t even done a recognised marketing qualification, nor did I go to university. I got into marketing through an apprenticeship at the local theatre’s marketing department which I really enjoyed and went from there.
Do you have any tips for anyone wanting to pursue the same/a similar job role?
Work hard, apply for everything, keep a sensible head on and have fun with what you do. I think in all my work places I’ve managed to have fun and a joke on a daily basis.
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