20 Sep Climate Change Chaos
Extinction Rebellion is demanding acknowledgement of climate change from our government and the people of Chichester are getting involved. The group of activists took to the streets of town to spread knowledge of climate change today: Friday the 20th September.
Extinction Rebellion members, as well as members of the general public, gathered at the cross in Chichester at 10am. Sharp on the hour, drums were sounded to signal the start and bring attention to the strike.
After an introduction to the event made by way of a soap box speaker, the majority of people in attendance proceed to form a human chain by holding hands. The chain ran from the cross down to the middle of North Street, with posters, flags and homemade signs in abundance.
The strike welcomed activists of all ages, with even the smallest of children holding wooden sticks with the Extinction Rebellion sign stuck onto it.
The strike sounded drums at the start of every hour until 4pm, and had a variety of soap box speakers.
Leaflets were on display during the event for other activist groups including Stop Ecocide and Surfers Against Sewage.
According to leaflets distributed at the strike, activists are calling for three actions:
1. The government must tell the truth about the Climate and wider Ecological Emergency and work alongside the media to communicate with citizens.
2. The Government must enact legally binding policy measures to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025 and reduce consumption of resources to below half of sustainable levels.
3. A national Citizen’s Assembly to oversee the changes, as part of creating a democracy fit for purpose.
The group are encouraging individuals to contact their local MP in demand of these three actions.
How Can I get Involved?
If you want to get involved with activist groups such as Extinction Rebellion, or simply do your best to help the environment, there are many routes you can take.
Activist Groups
There are many national activist groups that have local communities of people organising events. For example, take a look at Stop Ecocide, Surfers Against Sewage, or Green Peace.
Transition Chichester
For a more specific to Chichester approach to helping the environment, check out Transition Chichester. The group describe themselves as:
A growing group of enthusiastic forward thinking people, keen to promote and embrace change which helps create a sustainable local environment and a more resilient community.
Check out the group’s schedule of events at http://www.transitionchichester.org/calendar/
Swap Shop
If you’re looking for an easy way to help the environment, try Swap Shop. This event will take place on Saturday 26th October from 10:00 until 12:30. Taking place at Newwell Centre in Chichester, the event offers a chance to swap items you no longer want for items you desire. No money will change hands, and the last items will be accepted at 11.30am. A fair trade cafe with fresh produce will be open to event goers.
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