Writing a CV With Google Trends

Writing a CV With Google Trends

If you’re struggling to write your CV, or just want to improve it, Google Trends can be of great help.

If you’re not sure what Google Trends is, it’s basically a system in which you can search a word’s popularity; you can see peaks and falls in the use of the word on the internet.

Google is described as:

A website by Google that analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across various regions and languages. The website uses graphs to compare the search volume of different queries over time.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Recruitment agents often use certain key words to find relevant CVs for jobs they are recruiting for. By using Google Trends, you can see which words are most likely to result in your CV appearing on a recruiters search.

For example, ‘Chef’ may be searched for more often than the word ‘Cook’, and therefore it would be wise to use ‘Chef’ in your CV to ensure maximum views online.

Of the system, Kiwi Recruitment Consultant Rebecca, explains:

I use Google Trends to check which job-specific search terms are likely to show me a large amount of relevant CVs. For instance, if google trends tells me that ‘laborer’ comes up in more CVs than the word ‘manual worker’, then I will use that term to find CVs.

For this reason, Kiwi recommends using Google Trends to find the most searched for terms. Therefore you can heighten your chances of a recruiter seeing your CV.

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