An Interview With a Lead Singer

An Interview With a Lead Singer

We’ve all been there – singing our favourite tunes into a hairbrush or shampoo bottle. Adding a few little dance moves when we sing in the shower. Pretending we are in a music video whilst looking out the window of a car as the rain pours. No? Maybe it’s just me. But for those of you talented souls out there who could actually make a career with your voices, what would your life be like if you made it? We spoke with Joshua Hughie Owen, lead singer of cover band Cadency, to talk about life as the lead singer of a band.

Joshua Hughie Owen, lead singer of local cover band, Cadency

What is your job role?

Lead singer of a five piece cover band.

What is your favourite aspect of your job role?

I love being able to entertain people. There is nothing more satisfying than performing to wide audiences and seeing them having a great time.

What is your least favourite aspect of your job role?

It’s tough when you end up with an empty venue or an audience that doesn’t seem engaged with the band. This doesn’t happen often, though.

How many hours does your job require you to work a week?

The band meet for practice once a week for three hours. For the actual gig, we get to the venue a couple of hours before we start to perform. It varies, as we can be performing for between 1-3 hours, normally with breaks. I’d say a typical gig would be 2 hours set up/pack away, and 2 hours performing. We gig most Friday and Saturday nights, but can be more during peak months.

What is the social aspect of your job like?

We get to meet so many new people with our job. We visit many areas around the country performing, so we are always meeting new people. It’s a great role for people who like socialising, as we get to socialise with people who hire us as well as the people who come to watch us play!

How challenging was the application process for your role?

I didn’t apply for anything, I just had a good singing voice and was scouted by a mate who wanted to start a band. I think with bands, it’s not so much an application process as it is just an audition.

Did you have any relevant experience/higher education before applying for your role?

Yes, but not in anything relevant. I’ve just been singing for as long as I can remember. I performed as much as i can, be it karaoke or talent shows. Things like that are a great way to show off your voice. You never know who may be out there listening. In my case, it was a mate who asked me to join the band!

Do you have any tips for anyone wanting to pursue the same/a similar job role?

Take any opportunity that you can to perform. Like I said, you never know who’s listening and what opportunities may arise from the right person hearing you sing. At the end of the day, if you’re doing this sort of job you’ve got to love what you do. The audience will feel the vibes if you’re not loving it. So go out there and have fun!

Fancy a similar job role? Get in touch with one of our recruitment agents today to get help finding your dream job!

Check out Josh’s band page here

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