An Interview With a Boating Instructor

An Interview With a Boating Instructor

Crashing waves, the sun gleaming over your face and wind breezing through your hair. The sun is set on another day on the water, as you watch the oranges and yellows blend over the ocean. Your worries lay far away on the earths more stable surface; here on your boat you are safe. She protects you from the troubles of the land people. The ocean’s silence only breaks as you start your engine to return home. Got your attention yet? If you love setting out to sea and escaping into the ocean’s horizon, a job in the boating industry could be perfect for you. We spoke with Jake Biggs, Assistant Manager and Chief Instructor at JBT Marine Training, to find out what it’s like living life at sea.

What is your job role?

Assistant Manager and Chief Instructor

What is your favourite aspect of your job role?

Being out on the water instructing clients how to drive powerboats in and around the Solent.

What is your least favourite aspect of your job role?

I don’t really have a least favourite, although being on the water and coaching in the winter in -4 degrees isn’t the most exciting.

How many hours does you rjob require you to work a week?

I am based on 40 hours, but I can ensure you in the boating season I will be easily doing 50-60 hours a week.

What is the social aspect of your job like?

I am meeting new clients every day, and often out to lunch with them too. I would say it is a very social environment on and off the water.

How challenging was the application process for your role?

In the UK, full time marine/watersports jobs are very hard to come by due to it being very seasonal. So there is often high competition for the jobs when they do pop up in the UK in this industry.

Did you have any relevant experience/higher education before applying for your role?

I hold a degree in business management, which certainly would have supported my application. Aside from that you have to have various qualifications to carry out my job, which takes a lot of training and experience to carry these out. It all also comes at a great expense if you do not have a company to put you through these courses.

Do you have any tips for anyone wanting to pursue the same/a similar role?

I started off working on beaches abroad working in various countries around the world. This is a very fun and exciting way to get in to this industry. I would highly recommend this route.

What is a general day in the life of your role?

My general day consist of meeting and greeting clients, then heading out on to the water to coach people how to drive powerboats in and around the Solent. I spend at least 80% of my time on the water but if I am not then it means I am in the office catching up on the admin side of the business including marketing, sales, course planning and various other tasks.

Fancy a similar job role? Get in touch with one of our recruitment agents today!

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