National Careers Week 2022

National Careers Week 2022

This week is National Careers Week. National Careers Week encourages people to seek career advice all throughout the United Kingdom. This year’s National Careers Week will take place from March 7th to March 12th, 2022. National Careers Week is a magnificent celebration of all things related to career guidance, with the goal of assisting young people transitioning from education to work.

Change can be frightening for many individuals. The shift from high school or college to adulthood can be frightening.  But don’t be concerned! It doesn’t have to be like that. If you’re not sure what you want to do after high school, college, or sixth form, there are plenty of alternatives. As part of National Careers Week in 2021, we’ve selected a few ideas to assist you figure out what to do next and how each option might benefit you.


Many people believe that going to university is the next logical step. University is a fantastic option for those who want to expand their knowledge and learn more about the subject they want to pursue. There is a lot more freedom and independence here than at school. University is appropriate for both academic and vocational students.

So what are the benefits?

You will receive an internationally recognised credential. According to the University and College Admissions Service (UCAS), university graduates can expect a 30 percent rise in their initial income.

University, on the other hand, is not for everyone. For some, the prospect of even more classroom learning is daunting. If this is not the path you want to take, there are plenty of other possibilities.


Traineeships are a combination of education, training, and work experience that prepares young people for careers. A traineeship is very much like the government-funded Kickstart programme. Traineeships are for people aged 16 to 24. The programme might run anywhere from six weeks and six months. With this background, you’ll be in a solid position to compete for apprenticeships and jobs.

So, what are the benefits?

A traineeship will provide you with an opportunity to build your CV and work experience. You will get an opportunity for a job interview at the company you’re training for.


Apprenticeships are for people who want to get a nationally recognised qualification. Apprenticeships are generally one to four years long and are available in a variety of sectors. Intermediate, Advanced, and Higher are the three levels accessible. Apprenticeships can be a viable alternative to university education. Apprenticeships at the higher levels are comparable to anything from a higher education certificate to a master’s degree. Apprenticeships combine on-the-job training with classroom instruction. While training, you will be paid and acquire experience working with other experienced employees in your chosen field.

So, what are the benefits?

Because an apprenticeship is paid for by the business, you will not incur any student debts such as university tuition. You’ll earn money while gaining valuable experience and earning a recognised credential. An apprenticeship might be an excellent method to get your career started if you have already acquired an interest in a certain area.


All hope is not lost for people who do not want to continue their studies.

During their working lives, people are likely to change jobs six times on average! So don’t worry if you don’t have everything sorted out yet! There are several high-paying career options open to you. Many professions allow you to gain experience on the job. Furthermore, if you are hesitant or having difficulty finding work, recruiting companies (like Kiwi Recruitment!) are specifically geared to assist you. You may even create your own business and be your own boss by being an entrepreneur.

Your next move might be a huge one, so consider all of your alternatives and decide what’s best for you.

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